Wednesday, January 30, 2008

10 Article Writing Keys For Newbies

This article on the 10 (no, 11... yes, 11) tips for newbies is not written from the catbird seat point of view of the article host or database manager. Rather it is by and from the perspective of an author who remembers the early misgivings. It is written especially for the beginning article writer. The Tennessee Mountain Man has written and submitted hundreds of articles for publication to thousands of article hosts and database managers and still finds article writing his nemesis.

1. Necessity vs. Desire:

Articles and Blogs are necessary in today's scheme of search engine indexing. Not what the newbie wants to hear. Just remember what the Bible says, "there has nothing over taken you that is not common to man". That's right! All of us hate article and Blog writing at times, and some of us dread the journey to pen and paper (or keyboard as the case may be) all the time. Many a webmaster would call them "a necessary evil" as they are not generally anyone's best liked house keeping chores.

2. Just Start, It Gets Easier:

First it is sometimes difficult to get a subject or theme and to get the first couple of lines scribbled down. The Tennessee Mountain Man knows authors who literally get sick thinking about the process. Lighten up. Once an author has a starting point and gets passed the initial thoughts, article and Blog writing usually goes fairly smoothly.

The main thing is that you get started. Pick a subject you know something about and just start. You will be pleasantly surprised at just how easily ideas flow. Don't assume everyone knows what you know. They don't. Will Rogers once said, "all men are ignorant, just on different subjects". And, so it is!

3. Good vs. Perfection:

Your old english comp professor is not looking over your shoulder. This paper does not have to be perfect. That is not to say it does not have to be on point or to say that it does not have to be correct. It does or at least it should be. But, perfection is not the goal and is, in fact, seldom possible. Too much detail and you run the risk of losing your reader on several levels. Too long and most readers simply don't have the time or interest to wade through the material regardless of how important it is.

4. Blog Length vs. Article Length:

Most publishers want a minimum of six hundred (600) words per article - some will let you slide with four hundred (400) words. Blogs can be much smaller. Blogs can and maybe should support appropriate pictures and embedded links. Just don't over do it.

Too gaudy or too slow to load and you have wasted your time, ticked off a potential reader, and probably upset a host who can ban you from their publications. Articles, on the other hand, typically cannot carry these extra touches according to the requirements of most publishers.

5. Format:

Prepare your article in American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) format. There are many tools from which to choose to get the job done. A search for 'free ascii editor' or for 'free plain text editors' will provide one with a multitude of free options. Wordpress is a popular choice. If all else fails simply use notepad to turn out your masterpiece.

6. Spelling and Grammar:

Once you have your article or Blog run it through a good spell checker and a good grammar checker. Microsoft Word works well for these purposes. Just don't use the MS Word copy for publication of your article. Rather use it's suggestions to make any necessary corrections to your plain text copy. The MS Word copy will work for Blogs although the Computerman prefers other

Just like the days when you were pushed by Profs, you will find Article and Blog writing skills become easier with time and practice.

7. Publish and Announce:

Once your Blog is ready you may want to use some automatic tools to publish and announce it. First do a search for Blog hosts and select those which best suit your needs. Join one or more and publish your Blog there. Then search for Blog announcers and rss announcers and use them to get your Blog noticed.

Now that you have that out of the way find an article wizard that will post your Articles to free publishers. You can post them one at a time by hand if you are really bored and have absolutely nothing else in life to do. Using an automatic poster you can publish to hundreds of hosts in an hour or so. The only way to go.

8. Patience:

Now, have some patience. Here is where you lose control. Many of the men and women who host articles are timely and your articles will be reviewed within twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours. But, many others will be days and weeks down the road therefore never date an article - a sure way to get rejected.

9. Rejection - "sorry your article has been declined":

Be prepared for most hosts to reject your articles. Do not take it personally. It usually has little to do with you or your article. Some routinely reject articles for spelling errors when there are none or where there is more than way to spell a word. And, just as in any other endeavor some hosts are simply too lazy and get so far behind, the easiest and fastest thing to do (and perhaps the only alternative) is to reject everything. You will learn who these are over time.

Then there are those who run your articles through the sausage grinder and if they find certain words, irrespective of how they are used, your article gets no farther. These are the people who can't publish the Holy Bible because it contains words that offend them or their readers. Don't worry about these folks who are so heavenly minded they are of no earthly use.

Remember, just as in everything else in life, for every rule there is an exception.

10. Keep the faith, and keep cranking out articles:

Since most authors, especially newbies, prepare only one copy of an article against the advice of most seasoned authors it is important that the newbie keep his chin up - keep the faith. That will be easier as more and more of your articles are accepted and published driving visitors to your website while creating those all important back links.

It is not necessary that every host to accept everything submitted to them. After one or two hosts publish your article on any given subject, the search engines tend to penalize you anyway by ignoring additional postings. This is close to spamming and while it could help someone find you, it probably won't. It is not necessarily, the more the merrier. The additional listings will not increase your page rankings or links reported by the search engines. It is more important to get published by hosts with the highest Google page rank possible.

Now, one BONUS TIP for you: Along with "the rejection slip" will usually come a suggestion on how to "fix" your article and a request that you resubmit it. Don't waste your time. While trying comply with one database manager's request you could have written a new article from which you get much more punch. Enough publishers will pick your article up so move on and save
yourself some time and heartburn.

Everybody has a thought or idea at least once a day usually at the most inopportune time. How many good ideas have you lost because of waiting? Don't procrastinate! Go! Capture that thought before it is gone forever.

Publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet specializing in computerman website design and specializing in online computer repair. Reprint authorized with credits.

Monday, January 28, 2008

They Call It Camelot

From the late fifth century to the early sixth century is the setting for a beloved British figure of some romantic significance. It is the time period King Arthur and Knights of The Round Table are believed to have loved and reigned and ruled in Camelot.

While Arthur fought the Saxons, the pretenders to his kingdom and his throne, he was engaged with Lancelot on another front for the affection and devotion of his beloved Guinevere.

Queen Guinevere was, according to legend, beautiful and desirable beyond belief, and she won the heart of Arthur. Think of it as a May to December romance and we begin to get the flavor and depth of the matters of the heart at conflict with the urgencies of the day.

Today it most simply known as the time of Camelot, but it was destined to be seen again, and maybe even a third time is on the horizon. At least we would like to think so. Several centuries passed after the exploits of King Arthur and a new nation in the west, in the views of many, captured the Age of Camelot again. The one thousand days of the presidency of John (Jack) Kennedy. Kennedy with his vivacious wife Jackie captured the imagination of the world.

Here was a young, beautiful, idealistic couple from family dynasties that dreamed of and led a nation towards a better place in time, in history, in the heart, and in caring for all its peoples.

Perhaps less than a century after Jack and Jackie we can relive Camelot just one more time. What a dream for those of us who are old enough to remember the young couple seemingly so in love, so charismatic, so vibrant, such dreamers with such social grace raising their small children in the White House.

Sure times have changed. Some changes have been good fulfilling the dreams of Jack Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy. Many others have not been so good. Life is easier though it is harder. Life is more, much more, complicated often requiring two people in a family to be gainfully employed full time to support their children at the same standard of one working adult during the day of Kennedy's Camelot.

Fifty two inch flat screen LCD and Plasma high definition televisions have replaced the six inch black and white TV screen. Cable has replaced the rabbit ears and outdoor antennas of that era. Hundreds of available television stations have replaced the big three. Sirius Radio has replaced FM radio which replaced AM. Twenty four hour news channels like FOX, MSNBC, and CNN have replaced Huntly and Brinkley, and the complacency of the people have replaced the hope of the nation during Jack and Jackie's Camelot.

Big box stores have replaced mom and pop shops. Huge corporate stores have replaced the corner market, and the Piggly Wiggly's of the world have replaced the local grocery store where a family could get what they needed and pay for it on pay day in the name of progress. But are we really better off? Is it better where there are more homeless? Is it better when more kids go to bed cold and hungry? Are we a better nation when the veteran, the elderly, and the sick have to chose between food and medicine?

In a time when half of all marriages end in divorce and far too many children are being raised in a single parent home, can we do better? Can we recapture the Age of Camelot? America is disenchanted. Can we recapture the dream? Can we recharge the dreamers? We need another Walt Disney for our passtime and another John Kennedy for our country. As much as we love America, can we still make her better?

Senator Barack Obama and his queen, the beautiful Michelle Obama, think so.

Click image for South Carolina Victory Speech

Do you believe? Have you caught the fever? The more we look at this young, beautiful, educated, caring, engaging couple with their hopes and dreams for the United States the more we are inclined to once again believe in Camelot. Has the Age of Camelot arrived for a second time in our life time? Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of America's first era of Camelot, thinks so.

Publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet specializing in computerman website design and specializing in online computer repair. Reprint authorized with credits.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Where Are The Dreamers

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Commemoration of Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr - One Man's Demons

Watching the celebration of the life and legacy of the beloved, late and sorely missed Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday 21 January 2008, I was struck not only by the tributes to Dr King and his long suffering family, but also the acclaim of Governor Mike Huckabee, Republican, by former U. S. President Bill Clinton, Democrat.

Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.

Especially in light of Bill Clinton's public melt downs concerning Hillary Clinton presidential opponents in recent days, I thought his public acknowledgement of Mike Huckabee as "a good man" was most gracious. President Bill Clinton was swift to point out, however, that he and Huckabee did not agree on much politically.

Bill Clinton

Mike Huckabee

There is a deeper brotherhood between the two men as both were raised in the bastion of the Southern Baptist religion. In full disclosure, the Tennessee Mountain Man obviously springs from the same well. I am glad to see that Mike Huckabee claims not to be mad at any body about it which is probably more than Bill Clinton and the Computer Man can say.

Having that little tid bit out of the way... it is not out of the way. It is never, it can never be out of the way. Growing up in certain religious circles combined with the assault of the real world scars one for life. It leaves many without the ability to accept any compliment or enjoy any aspects of life as an adult. For instance, yours truly missed several remarks of the President immediately following the words "good man", as forcing it's way into my consciousness like a roaring train at full throttle was, "there is none good, no not one". Why couldn't I just accept what he had said?

As the camera panned to Governor Huckabee who nodded his head in acknowledgement and appreciation of the President's remark, my sick mind raced to "he has just received his eternal reward".

Of course we were warned to never be judgmental because, says the Holy Bible, with what judgment you judge you shall be judged. At the same time a saint with a dress to the floor and sleeves to the hands, wearing absolutely no make up and sporting a big bun on top of her head stands looking down her nose at everyone else while she trashes the girl next door and the preacher to anyone who will listen.

Since those days I have visited many Christian denomination and several non-denominational churches. I was, at the time, the youngest ever licensed minister of the Southern Baptist Association at the tender age of 12. Like Governor Mike Huckabee, I am an ordained Minister (non-denominational) of The Gospel... the Good News. I have served as a Chaplain in drug and alcohol recovery centers and half way houses, and I am still haunted by the promise of John 3:16 accompanied by the churches fervor to get everyone "saved" while over whelming them with the thought that no one is going to heaven except the speaker.

Dr King was a Southern Baptist Minister and co-pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, but he probably would not have understood what I am talking about here. I have been a co-pastor in a predominantly African American Church and have been a traveling revivalist/evangelist with a Black Minister, and it has been my observation that black people enjoy life and their walk with God more than guilt ridden white folk do. Maybe blacks understand God in a way white people can't. Maybe they trust God to be their righteousness while white folk try to work out their own righteousness. Or, maybe they simply find and trust a loving, healing, forgiving and restoring God that white men find self contradictory, bi-polar, and judgmental slipping around trying to catch you doing something wrong so He can warp you over the head with whatever is handy.

I remember one elderly pastor who addressing the congregation one Sunday morning said, "I know you, and I know you didn't get righteous nor did you get holy... you just got old". Another preacher said, "some of you are so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly use". Now that I am a senior citizen and a product of the First Self Righteous Church I understand both comments, and both are right. But, where is Paul Harvey and the rest of the story when you need them?

Live right, you are told, dare not do anything that is fun and do not enjoy yourself as you are already going to hell. Don't blow it... don't make it worse. But, oh by the way, notice how fat we preachers are? While we don't believe a word the Roman Catholic Church has to say and the practice of their priests is nothing short of blasphemy and hypocrisy, we, in effect, give you special dispensation to practice gluttony and to commit suicide on the installment plan with a spoon and a fork, but... use only grape juice in Holy Communion for strong drink is a sin.

Don't screw up on Saturday and show up at church on Sunday..... God will be looking for you! This is, after all, the place where the High Priest was killed in the Holy of Holies and where Ananias and Sapphira died under the judgment of Saint Peter. When Jesus taught, God is a loving Father and said for us to "fear not", why do those professing to speak for Him in these days seek to maintain power and control through fear?

By the way, why is it a sin for the congregation to have filthy lucre while the preacher is wealthy and flaunts it?

Want to be like Jesus and practice the life of Dr King? Let the preacher sell all he has, give it to the homeless, and join his brother under the bridge eating only what he can get at the soup kitchen so he too can say, "the son of man hath no where to lay his head". What?!!! Give up the satin sheets, the fancy cars, the well heeled friends, the well placed contacts, and the big house in the 'burbs'? Don't hold your breath.

This article is a publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian Computer Man, who is a Viet Nam War Veteran known as The Tennessee Mountain Man and Remote Helpdesk 1 specializing in online computer repair, on line PC repair, online help desk, online it services, on line helpdesk, remote computer repair, remote help desk, remote it services, remote helpdesk, remote PC repair, outsourced computer repair, outsourced it services, outsourced PC repair, outsourced help desk, outsourced helpdesk, contract helpdesk, contract help desk, contract PC repair, contract it services, and contract computer repair. It may be republished free, but must be republished as is, in tact, and with proper credits.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bite The Bullet

An old friend of the Tennessee Mountain Man who is now deceased once said when asked about taking opposing positions in the same court (different cases) in less than a month, "we be whoes... we know we be whoes".

Then there was the old joke where a rich old timer met a doll at the bar and asked her if she would spend the night with him for a million dollars. She smiled sweetly and answered yes. After a few minutes he asked if she would stay the night for a half million dollars. She sipped her drink and said maybe. A couple more drinks and he asked, "how about a $1,000.00"? Incensed she retorted, "what do you think I am, a whore?". To which he responded, "we have already answered that question. We are now negotiating the price."

But, the political climate of the 2008 Presidential elections, take the cake! They remind me of an ex-wife (I'll let them ponder to which of the six I refer) and maybe Google.

Be warned, the price the jackasses and elephants are negotiating now is our children's and grandchildren's future. Rather than biting the bullet and letting the economy and the market shake out the chaff, both parties are busy bidding against each other in an effort to buy the presidency of the United States for the next four years.

Borrowing one percent of America's GDP from China for a short term economic shot in the arm is simply not worth the cost. It is rather comparable to going to the doctor with a severe infectious STD and receiving a shot of antibiotics without a follow up protocol of say, a prescription of antibiotics to complete the treatment.

While the Computer Man is endorses no one for this single most important political position in the free world, it is worth noting that the non candidate, New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, has made the most sensible (not that politics can be sensible) suggestion so far. It may be somewhat reminiscent of the WPA of 1939, but instead of giving away money we don't have... if we have to borrow and spend, do something that really will help - maybe not today but over the long haul. One suggestion, if we are going back to our banker (China) use it to rebuild America's infrastructure.

It is time for the democratic, republican, independent and all Americans regardless of political stripes to bite the bullet, stand up and say, stop it. Stop the madness! Shout it from the house tops. Stop!!!

It must be done quickly to be successful as the brokers have settled and embraced the issue and are now haggling over price and time.

This article is a publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian, who is a Viet Nam War Veteran known as The Tennessee Mountain Man and Remote Helpdesk 1 specializing in online computer repair, on line PC repair, online help desk, online it services, on line helpdesk, remote computer repair, remote help desk, remote it services, remote helpdesk, remote PC repair, outsourced computer repair, outsourced it services, outsourced PC repair, outsourced help desk, outsourced helpdesk, contract helpdesk, contract help desk, contract PC repair, contract it services, and contract computer repair. It may be republished free, but must be republished as is, in tact, and with proper credits.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Recession Answers

Are you concerned about inflation, a recession, or even a depression in the early 21st Century? If you are concerned about either one or the real possibility of all the economic woes that potentially face the United States you are surely not alone as more and more people find they are having real trouble paying their mortgages and putting food on the table as money dries up, home values plummet, grocery prices escalate and petroleum prices sky rocket.

America's economic picture is driving the election primaries of both parties as well as the independents. As Tip O'Neill once opined, all politics are local. If your perception is, "it's the economy stupid" you want one candidate. If housing prices are holding in your neighborhood, you want another candidate.

It was not many days ago that our collective major concern was the War in Iraq and American service members scattered around the world in harms way as Islamic Jihadists swore their destruction. If you have a son, daughter, wife, husband, mother or father on their fourth or fifth tour of duty with the United States Military in Iraq as the Tennessee Mountain Man and Computer Man do that may well remain your driving force and you probably support yet another candidate. But it appears to be more and more clear that across the board, America's primary concern in the 2008 election year rightly or wrongly is the economy.

There is a raging disagreement between those well heeled gurus in the know who live on the upper side of town about whether or not we are in a recession. Many on the Fox Business Channel seem to believe we are and that Chairman Ben Bernanke of the United States Federal Reserve Bank is behind rather than in front of the curve. Bernanke disagrees although he did seem to tell congress in middle January, 2008, that we could be in danger of sliding in that direction. The federal government apparently agrees with the view that a recession is imminent if not in full throttle otherwise why would the captain of the ship be ordering the life rafts deployed with all haste. Both political parties are rushing to get cash back in the hands of the people hoping they will spend it on new purchases driving the economy forward.

Grand ma who was already having a problem deciding whether to buy the medicine her doctor prescribed or the food her body needed and who remembers the great depression don't have any doubts. She has seen the horse and buggy, the model T, the iron horse, the air plane, Sputnik, the man in the moon and a man on the moon and air conditioning (although she can't afford any) replace the funeral home fan along with a recession or two in her life time, and she knows a recession when it comes roaring through her family.

Since Grand ma knows little to nothing about GNP/GDP. She basis her observations on the real life of real Americans struggling to survive, not on the fancy mathematical maneuvering and stats of professors and practitioners isolated in their ivory towers or professional politicians lost in the bowels of government hidden inside the Washington Beltway.

The truth is real people are hurting. There is plenty of blame to go around and probably more than one solution to the recession issue. It is after all a complicated issue, and some business types like auto manufacturers and home builders are hurting more than others. It does not help that we have shipped so many manufacturing jobs off shore and over taxed and imposed other burdens on businesses to the point many have been forced to either close their doors or move their operations outside the United States.

Remote Helpdesk 1 has seen many businesses come and go over the years. We have seen a recession or two ourselves, and we have learned that there are some fairly safe options for entrepreneurs during an economic turn down. In fact there are some who do much better in tough times.

Tired of punching a clock, lost your job or just want to be your own boss? In bad times there are always ways to thrive if you are perceptive and agile. Never feel that because a recession is under way that there are no opportunities for you. You might want to consider one of these: the health industry, collections, funeral parlor, auto repair, used furniture outlet, used clothing and household items store, pawn shops also thrive in such times, tutoring, selling on an online auction, internet ad business... use the computer between your shoulders as well as the one on your desk to come up with options.

If you are already in business, this is not the time to become despondent. It is time to drive forward. You can't sit and wait for your ship to come in. There are opportunities! Increase advertising, get more personally involved in your community and your church and business and professional organizations, slash your prices to bare bones if you need to, visit current and dormant accounts and customers and make sure they know you are still around and that you appreciate them.

Remember, we have been here before. You are not going through this alone. It is cyclical, and this too shall pass. In the mean time, make up your mind to enjoy the ride. You have little choice but to take the trip so determine to arrive stronger, happier, and richer as a result of the experience that God, in His wisdom has allowed you to conquer with His provision and guidance.

This article is a publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian, who is a Viet Nam War Veteran known as The Tennessee Mountain Man and Remote Helpdesk 1 specializing in online computer repair, on line PC repair, online help desk, online it services, on line helpdesk, remote computer repair, remote help desk, remote it services, remote helpdesk, remote PC repair, outsourced computer repair, outsourced it services, outsourced PC repair, outsourced help desk, outsourced helpdesk, contract helpdesk, contract help desk, contract PC repair, contract it services, and contract computer repair. It may be republished free, but must be republished as is, in tact, and with proper credits.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Chattanooga, TN Burk Pendergrass
The Tennessee Mountain Man

In the competitive 21st Century Internet World the webmaster needs every edge he can get.

Now there is another tool available to webmasters and it is absolutely FREE!

Check out these Free Webmaster Tools which can be used online and do not take up space on your computer or your website.

Computerman Website Design and Promotion are adding more tools weekly so check the site often, and make use of these tools to help tune, promote and enhance your website and traffic.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Who Works On Your Computers

online computer repair
Chattanooga, TN

Tennessee Mountain Man
Burk Pendergrass
The Tennessee Mountain Man

Being a web master, a pastor, a small businessman, an educator, a city manager or a corporate CEO is a full time job. Therefore there remains many things one wants to do or needs to do that there is simply not enough time to accomplish. God was smart enough to only give man 24 hours in a day and a body and mind that needed one third of that 24 hour period to restore and heal themselves. And, as one gets older even more recuperation time is required.

Just when man gets an education, gains a wealth of experience, becomes proficient in office politics, learns to hold his liquor and control his tongue and temper, and becomes most valuable in his career, his body and mind demands more care and attention. And, society begins to ignore him. After all he can no longer speak the current every changing lingo, keep up with the youngsters on the tennis court, nor compete with the upstarts in the company gym or on the gold course. He is no loner one of the beautiful people and the sex appeal has faded being replaced with wrinkles and age spots.

Someone has said, "youth is wasted on the young". The owner and operator of Remote Helpdesk 1 and Computer Man Website Design can understand that. Being an old timer who has seen it all and done it all, he has quiet a perspective starting with the surveillance technology used in the Korean War as well as in Viet Nam.

These days he sees young cops who don't look old enough to have a driver's license let alone a badge walking around wearing a pistol bigger than they are. He shakes his head remembering when he was one of them. Then he spots a computer tech who looks more like he should be in a junior high school English lit class than on a service call. What has this kid seen? What has he done? What can he know? How much experience can he have?

Who works on your computers and who supervises and advises those young twerps? It is important. As our guest suggest, youth is over rated. Why would anyone pay the nerd herd or fireplace dogs Four to Five hundred Dollars to do a One Hundred Dollar job? duh! Who would do such a thing? Who would waste such money? Most folks, apparently. Good luck justifying the extravagance as more and more consumers and board members get better educated and experienced in computer sciences, i.e. the secondary field of used car dealers.

Ever wondered who innovates, tests, proves and improves America's technologies? It is not the Valerie Plames of the world... not Dennis the Menace nor Mister Wilson. It is the United States Army! The Army Security agency (ASA), a subsidiary of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Military Intelligence (MI) an arm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

There is a reason one sees all these middle aged executives and techs in private industry that came from government agencies long before qualifying for retirement. They are America's best and brightest and they jump ship at the height of the career having become painfully aware of the fact that to the government they are but a number.

On the other hand, the problem for them in the private sector is that they are now on the downhill side of the mountain known as life, and finding they no longer have the time nor the drive to increase knowledge or maintain proficiency and a competitive edge in extraneous things they begin to decline in the eyes of the public. Just when they get their life and priorities in order, they are deemed to be out of step and replaced.

A trip to Wal-Mart or McDonalds should convince one that there was much more productivity left in the old mares put out to pasture. One professor comes to mind who spent too long in the classroom. He was simply not there long before being forced into retirement. But, the majority of those old timers saying "welcome to Wal-Mart" and "would you like fries with that" have forgotten more about their respective chosen career fields than the young ingrates who forced them out will ever know.

Employers should get to know these well educated and experienced people. They actually show up for work, and they even report early as opposed to five minutes late. They can accomplish twice what the person who replaced them can, and can do it in about half the time usually at less cost. You don't need sexy, you don't need the beautiful people. you don't need jerks with attitude, you don't need the young and the ignorant... You need experience and productivity.

Perhaps they only wish to work three days a week. They will accomplish more thus making an employer more money in that three days than the entitled youth will in a full week. It is time to re-examine who works on your computers.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Alcoholism, Addictions and Friends of Bill: Post Holiday

Regardless of whether one believes alcoholism and addictions are diseases or not (It is a shame we are still having this argument in the 21st century), they are real problems for millions of people and millions upon millions of families around the world all through the year. But holiday seasons and other times of personal tragedy and importance such as the death of a loved one, a divorce date, etc seem to spur the dependence as well as the craving for self medication and chemically induced euphoria.

Having battled alcoholism and addictions most of my adult life, the care of those who have bottomed out and reached out are near and dear to my heart. Bill W understood that. Both of us, like millions of others the world over, have started over more than once, and along the way we have learned the painful truth of the Biblical teaching that no man lives unto himself.

Friends of Bill W know that they cannot make it alone. Just like the group conscience keeps a church, a club, a school, indeed a society going, growing and maturing it keeps the Friends of Bill W on the path to a successful and rewarding life.

The good thing is that everyday we live to see a new sunrise, we have the opportunity to start a new life and to help another enjoy a fresh beginning. That does not mean that all our baggage miraculously disappears. It does mean God has granted us new grace and mercy with which to handle our demons.

It means that those who are walking the walk have a special responsibility to be there for those who still suffer...not that we don't. But, we who have been lucky enough or blessed enough to grasp the deliverance of a power greater than ourselves must take that healing way of life to suffering mankind. After all, we can only truly keep that which we freely give away.

And, especially during this time of year there appears to be plenty of opportunity to reach out to and help our fellowman. During the end of the calendar year holidays more and more people fall off the wagon and need help getting back up. After all, we understand better than most that any excuse will do and that it matters little (if at all) how many times one falls, but how many times one can get back on his feet.

So as we start a new year, any new year, we often find that the numbers in our recovery communities seem to have decreased. Actually what has happened is that the numbers needing our guidance have increased ... significantly. Perhaps the bodies showing up for mutual support have declined, but that simply means the need for outreach has increased. While others are making new years resolutions to lose weight, get a better job, go back to school, stop smoking or whatever; we should be making resolutions to make greater efforts to be there for those who still suffer, to reach out to those in pain, to find that member of our body who disappeared a week or two ago and then to be about that business today not tomorrow. Someone you love does not have a tomorrow short of your intervention.

Bill W 12th Step with the Old Man In The Bed

Perhaps just showing them the Life Story of Bill W will do the job. It will certainly reinforce your convictions and strengthen your commitment to make it to, make it through, and enjoy sobriety this time ... one day at a time.

You can watch the Life Story of Bill W or download it to your computer to show at your group meetings or to help with intervention at .

Thursday, January 3, 2008

No. 1 Tech Disappointment of 2007

First there was MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), a great little program! Then there was Windows 3 making it possible for any novice to use the computer to some advantage even if they had never seen one before. And, the maintenance on these old machines sure was easy enough though some hardware could break anyone's piggy bank.

Then there was Windows NT (New Technology...notice we deliberately side stepped the OS/2 issue with Big Blue who had enough sense to run but not enough to prevent them from eventually selling their PC division to China in 2005 becoming known as Lenovo) followed by Windows 95 and NT4... still decent.

Then came Windows 98 which would force the retirement of all those Win 95s everyone had spent a fortune and a lifetime updating. And, oh, by the way, the only change of any difference was the FAT32 replacing the FAT16.

Then came all the fixes dubbed Windows 98 Second Edition an interim way to squeeze money from Microsoft's enamored public while it readied Windows Millennium (Win ME) and Windows 2000. The Windows 98SE claim to fame appeared to be more drivers and Windows ME was but the final edition of Windows 98 dubbed Win9x.

The Windows 2000 editions built on NT4 was little more than a stop gap before all the Windows XP trials and errors. XP turned out to be little more than a fix for Windows 2000.

Likewise, Windows ME was but a harbinger of things to come. In our humble opinion Microsoft had at last all but perfected the DOS based 9x windows system when they decided to dump all things DOS and stop supporting it forcing the upgrades of millions of customers.

Then came Windows Server Edition followed by XP and all their editions, updates, releases and service packs followed by VISTA. VISTA despite requiring extra hardware to run it at any speed has the dubious distinction of being Microsoft's most bulky and slowest operating system to date. Now you have the basics. Can you say cha ching?

Are you ready for VISTA yet? Maybe Microsoft will give us a grace period until their next worse operating is unleashed, but I wouldn't hold my breath. In this environment stock holders are in a surly mood and want annual profits bigger and better than the year before.

Do you know what Microsoft has in store for you in 2010? Are you ready for Blackcomb? Even sounds ominous. For more go to and click on Articles Category. See article "Biggest Tech Disappointment of 2007".