Monday, March 31, 2008

The Billy Mays Phenomenon

It is time for spring cleaning once again, and guess who is coming to dinner. In our environmentally friendly society there is a peddler with just the right products at the right time at a price so low they simply must be tried. He has your number, and he is coming to a TV near you - today.

Just like John Kennedy, Billy Graham, David Brinkley, Henry Kissinger, and many other radio and television personalities, there is an advertising guru with an unforgettable voice. Billy Mays. Billy Mays violates all the rules of capturing and keeping the attention of his audience. He communicates by screaming at you. He is grating in the extreme, yet we continue to listen.

More importantly, to his position at least, we continue to buy. That, however, is not a concern for the venerable pitchman who first came to us on The Shopping Channel. We doubt there is anyone in America who owns a TV that has not seen his infomercials somewhere sometime. He hawks and we purchase everything from OxiClean®, Orange Clean®, Kaboom®, Hercules Hook, Samurai Shark, and Zorbeeze, to onion slicers and dicers to epoxy, adinfinitum it seems.

Billy Mays is one of those people who could sell deep freezers to Eskimos. If he were a man of the cloth, he would surely be one of the renown preachers of our time with a mega church supported by multiple thousands of members ministering to (or fleecing as the case may be) untold thousands more via the internet, radio and television. Can you not picture him selling holy water and anointing oils and cloths?

Like lawyers, politicians, business moguls and preachers whose reputations precede them, Billy Mays is at the pinnacle of his career, and is sought after by everyone with anything to sell. If there is a product, such as snake oil, that is remotely marketable regardless of its value or sturdiness, Billy Mays can sell it.

Though we may not care to admit it, untold thousands of us have purchased "stuff" we did not need as a result of being swayed by the loud fast talking salesman. Knowing we have purchased defective products in the past as a result of Billy Mays' persuasion, it is almost like we can not help ourselves and we do it over and over and over again. Why? Maybe to shut him up. Most often, however, because he sells us not what we need but what we want to believe after he quickly creates a demand for the product dejur.

One can combine a nice trip, vacation, or other family outing with the experience to help ease the pain of that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach that says, "I really should not do this" as you lay down hard earned cash for one of Billy's products. There are a couple of "As Seen On TV" (your first warning) Stores in the Pigon Forge, Tennessee and Gatlinburg, Tennessee areas. You can play with your new purchase while you feed the wild Tennessee Black Bears which you really should not do either.

Can't get to an "As Seen On TV" Store? Never mind. Billy Mays has created such a demand for these products that Wal-Mart, Walgreen's, and even Bed, Bath and Beyond and many other reputable retailers have started selling them. So, a trip to the corner pharmacy will open for you the world of items which Mays says can't be purchased in any store.

Billy Mays... Maijson posted on the Billy Mays Forum at World Warcraft, "HI I'M BILLY MAYES! AND I'VE MANAGED TO YELL EVEN LOUDER THAN I DID IN MY LAST COMMERCIAL!". Well, for the Tennessee Mountain Man that about said it all. Then Computer Man submitted this find from Alaerun, "Honestly Billy, theres no need to scream like someone has a tiki torch up your butt. We can hear you fine... Please bring it down a notch". But, hey, it works for him. We would not suggest trying this at home as Mays is a professional one of a kind pitchman. His tactics would not work for us and probably not for you either, but Billy keeps raking in the money... big money - your money.

More by Computer Man Burke Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet at
Website Design by Computer Man
website design by computer man
Tennessee Mountain Man
Burke Pendergrass

Friday, March 28, 2008

Slight Of Hand Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, Bankers, Corporate Moguls - Scoundrels All

When The Tennessee Mountain Man was a child in a small country school, it was a big deal when a guest lecturer showed up and hosted everyone in the school auditorium as he explained the Bible story of Jesus complete with show and tell pictures manually applied to and removed from a big picture mounted on an easel. It was free and it got you out of regular classes for an hour or so.

An even bigger event was when an old man arrived in a big rusty station wagon with a load of noisy show dogs even though it cost a dime to get you out of class for that hour.

Then there was the occasional cowboy who was an expert with his six shooter, throwing knives, and bull whip. His pretty half dressed assistant would stand with a cigarette in her mouth and he would light it from a respectable distance with a quick draw and shot from his trusty revolver. He would then retrieve his bull whip and from half away across the basketball court he would put the cigarette out or cut it in half with one quick snap and pop of the whip. The assistant would then dutifully step on the cancer stick to extinguish the fire.

Thereafter the young lady, who other than getting out of class was the only reason the boys spent a whole quarter to see the show, would be tied to a big wheel and the cowboy would follow the outline of her body as he threw knives at her. This was usually followed by a pony or horse who could ostensibly count and answer yes and no questions.

Occasionally there would be a movie shown on a big screen temporarily set up on the stage in the school auditorium for the nominal fee of a nickel or a dime. And, since few if any students had TVs or access to theaters back then, we all paid our dues and watched in rapt attention for a couple of hours.

But, the big draw for the boys were the magicians who came performing. Few girls, for whatever reason, attended these sessions but boys were happy to pay a whopping fifty cents to watch these men and their assistants ply their trade for an hour or so. After which all the boys were trying to emulate the slight of hand artist for weeks.

Computer Man was lucky to grow up in a time when everything was new. Electricity distributed by newly formed farmer's co-ops in Appalachia was new to most and on the horizon for the rest to be eventually followed by party line telephone systems. A boy scout trip to a hydro dam was a big deal. A day ogling over Doctor Warner Van Braun's accomplishments (at least those the young men in snappy spit and polished uniforms would allow you to see) at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama really drove the

It all seemed a bit of big magic back then. We grew up studying slight of hand so when we became adults we should have been well prepared when professional politicians learned the trade and applied it with a slight if dangerous twist to the shady world of politics.

Momma always said, "still waters run deep". Dad always said, "it is the quiet ones you have to watch". They also agreed that most people were practicing deceit, magic, in one form or another. It has been our experience that you dare not lose site of Shakespeare's
Hamlet Act 3, Scene 2:

Player Queen:
Both here and hence pursue me lasting strife,
If once I be a widow, ever I be a wife!

Player King:
'Tis deeply sworn. Sweet, leave me here a while,
My spirits grow dull, and fain I would beguile
The tedious day with sleep.

Player Queen:
Sleep rock thy brain,
And never come mischance between us twain!

Madam, how like you this play?

The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.

Companies which protest the loudest that they are not going anywhere have just joined the NAFTA community. Corporate Moguls assuring employees that their jobs are safe are either in the process of selling, shutting down, moving off shore, or scaling back.

And politicians, legislatures, judges, prosecutors and other elite found their own means by which to endanger our way of life. Can you say Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, or Jim McGreevey? How about George Bush, Chaney, or John Ashcroft? Each trying to keep us watching the their right hand while doing their own dirt with their left. Some committed perjury and some sanctioned cover ups and perverted justice while others used fear to steal and curtail the rights and privacy of United States Citizens.

In 1787, shortly after the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, a woman interested in the proceedings approached Benjamin Franklin. "Well, doctor," she asked, "what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" The venerable champion of American liberty replied, "A republic, Madame, if you can keep it." The question two hundred and twenty-one years later is, "can we?".

The people of the former USSR were safe except from the corrupt state, but they had no freedom. The people of China are safe except from the state, but they are not free. The Bush administration has tried to keep our fear from the 9-11 attacks elevated and distract us with complaints and concerns that Vladimir Putin is slowly sweeping away the freedoms of the Russian people while his administration was doing as much at home.

Let us not forget the admonition of Benjamin Franklin (also cited to Thomas Jefferson) "people willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both".

Slight of hand is practiced by Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, Bankers and Corporate Moguls, scoundrels all, at the expense of the rest of us. Today it cost more (much more) than the four bits we paid as children and is much more sinister than so called "black magic". It has much deeper and longer lasting negative effects for those who wish to maintain the Republic we love. "These capitalists", said Abraham Lincoln, "generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the people".

We fear America is in danger of being destroyed from within. Not by some disenfranchised group, but by the very ones who have benefited the most from her opportunities and bounties. They travel the world of twenty-four hour cable shows explaining why the common man can not be trusted and must be kept under thumb. They must be right because we keep voting against our own interest and keeping them empowered when we manage to overcome our complacency enough to participate at all.

Lincoln further observed, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves". And, again, he opined, "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution".

The pendulum must swing sans the same old scoundrels from the court house to the state house to the White House.

Publication of Computer Man Burke Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet
Website Design by Computer Man
website design by computer man
Tennessee Mountain Man
Burke Pendergrass

Monday, March 24, 2008

How Does One Choose Article and Blog Subjects

Obviously I cannot speak for everyone, and many businesses have a staff that rotates publication responsibilities, but the Tennessee Mountain Man writes about what moves him at any given moment. It is just easier that way. On the other hand it occasionally causes some amount of anxiety because the feast or famine rules apply. That is, the hopper is either full of articles waiting to be published - Online PC Repair posts articles three (3) days a week normally - or like Computer Man or most other publishers we are swiftly coming up on a deadline and notta.

However, currently there is a plethora of ideas and subjects about which one wants to write... even needs to vent about. Not to have a subject upon which to expound these days one would almost need to be in a coma.

No... the current problem is not being brain dead, but time challenged. We live in such interesting and challenging times that The Tennessee Mountain Man could and would love to be churning out articles daily, but alas God only gave us twenty-four hours in a day and there are other responsibilities.

The Computerman's practice of writing about what has him piqued at any given moment means the reader gets a wide variety of subjects from family issues to holidays to politics to whatever moves an old man - not just website design and web based computer repair material though there is a smattering of those as well.

Some have said a highly technical article requires much more research before an article is ready to go. That has not been the experience of the techs at Remote Helpdesk 1. We not only want to be correct and specific with respect to online computer repair and web design, but with the general and current event subjects we cover as well. Therefore, irrespective of what one is writing about, a fair amount of research is incumbent upon the author before he or she goes popping off to the entire world.

It is only fair to point out that we have noticed a lot more tolerance with the advent of the internet and the explosion of Blogers. Articles that would have caused international incidents a few years ago rarely raise an eye brow today. That is not to say that it is necessarily the best information for the public, but then even the big three as well as the cable news networks and printed press all have their own agendas these days as is apparent in the subjects they choose to cover and the slant they employ in their coverage. Perhaps they always did and it was just not as noticeable because there was less immediate releases for comparison and analysis.

Still don't have an idea where to start? Everyone has a hobby, a job, a subject of interest. For instance if your life is consumed with your grandchildren, your pooch, March Madness, or fishing that is a subject about which you can write with minimal research. The problem most people have is that they assume everyone knows what they know. Be assured they don't or they see it from a different perspective which can lead to interesting and enlightening discussions, and even ideas for other articles.

Even if your readers agree with your views on any given subject that is positive feed back for you and for them. All of us need affirmation at times when this cruel world can leave us feeling like we stand alone although we never do. We may be right or we may be wrong, bur never alone in our views on any given matter.

O.K. Everyone seems to be into reality TV these days so let me start a family feud - everyone can write about their first crush and how that experience, regardless of how it ended, affected their lives. Maybe you are still together. What a love story and every woman loves a good romance novel. Perhaps it ended in tragedy. We all need to empathize and shed a tear now and again. Maybe it was just a horrible experience. I for one could use a good belly splitting laugh so lets have it.

A friend works as a government meat inspector in a poultry processing plant. She spends twelve hours a day "looking at chicken asses", as she puts it. She thinks she has nothing to write about but when she gets started telling stories from the line, I laugh until I hurt, and I could not do her job or tolerate the people around her. Maybe, like you, she thinks I don't get it but when I was sixteen years old and wanted "a real job" my dad got me one in the same chicken processing plant that she works in today - yes, it has been around for awhile. To this day, this country boy don't eat chicken. They just didn't process them the way we did on the farm. I only made it an hour in the plant. I spent the rest of the day puking my guts out - out in the parking lot. The next day I was glad to return to school.

How many people work where you do? What do you do for fun and relaxation? How does that compare with the population of the world? So tell us about it.

The online PC repair and website design teams, who just inserted themselves into this article, agree that a glass of Dewars and a well packed pipe help immensely. My train of though being shot, I'm through. It is your turn.

Good Luck

Publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., The Tennessee Mountain Man, a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet specializing in website design and specializing in online computer repair.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Website Design Considerations I

There was a time long, long ago in technological advancement years when website design was out of the reach of all but the relative few who could write the hyper text markup language better known by its acronym 'html' from start to finish.

Computer Man Hard At Work
website design by computer man
Designing Award Winning Web Sites

Website design, then as now, was in high demand for those with the tools and ability to help a client target an audience, develop a world wide web presence, and populate it with fast loading (at 28.8 Kbps) web pages.

Of course those early days saw sprites rendered in 256 colors as opposed to today's true color programming (eats up lots and lots of resources) , and those historic basic colors ruled in a tile-based world and we thought they were something. Specificity of product, of course, especially if images were to be employed, became the real challenge as they could be inordinately cumbersome and slow to load. The result being one of three options, to wit: (1) wait and wait and wait - maybe while you mow the lawn, (2) become exasperated with the tedious task of internet speed - actually modem speed - to the point of "clicking off" the website, or (3) losing your treasured internet connection.

In 2008, companies such as AOL, Net Zero, and many other Internet Service Providers (ISP) offering cheap internet connections assures that there remains enough people using dial-up to connect to the internet that one doing website design must be ever cognizant of loading speeds. The standard for this measurement remains 28.8K for the Computer Man Website Design Team although no one in the United States can expect to efficiently, if at all, cruise the internet at that speed.

The difference being that almost anyone can design and build some measure of a website in the 21st century with little or no help. Many companies that offer internet hosting also offer basic website design and promotional tools. One can sign up for a sub domain, build a nice web site, add an avatar and promote it to a few search engines in an hour or less.

Missing in this scenario are the tags a website needs and any special requirements of the entrepreneurial enterprise. If the site is personal for family and friends such an under taking may be more than sufficient. All that is left to do, is an e-mail to your contacts to let them know where they can find your postings, photos, etc and you only need to change the web site when the spirit moves you. If, however, you hope to use the site to generate revenue either as a hobby or primary source of income you could be way off base.

Let’s be clear. There is no problem with a sub domain per se or as pertains to search engines. The search engines treat a sub domain as the separate website that it is. Perhaps we can cover this complicated subject in a separate article.

No. The problem is with the flexibility of the primary domain's shared website design templates. These are templates set up specifically for sharing as little bandwidth (space) as possible with sub domains. When you compare the features and space allocated to you with that of the host, you will quickly see many of the limitations of the majority of these hosts and arrangements.

Best practices, even if using a free sub domain, is to create your website the way you want it with a third party program and upload it to your new sub domain. This can be done relatively easily with such programs as Alley Code, Evrsoft, Coffee Cup, Page Breeze or other free html editors. You can also use free WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get - maybe) website creators such as Nvu or Sea Monkey. For a Free online store creator one might try the free version of "easy store creator"... of course. What else would it be?

For more complicated and user friendly websites most will still need to retain a professional website design team. However you go about designing your website, make sure you understand and comply with the pre-requisites of the host or you will find that all of your work was in vain as your site will be rejected one way or another for one reason or another - too numerous to cover here.

Publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet
Website Design by Computer Man
website design by computer man
Tennessee Mountain Man
Burke Pendergrass

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life Just Ain't What It Used To Be

Over the last fifty years or so we have invented all sorts of time saving strategies that have some how managed to leave us with the greatest time deficit ever experienced by man.

burke pendergrass website design

Few people live on farms any more where labor is from daylight to after dark. We don't even work in factories today. No. Modern society runs on the service industry from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. How misleading!

Why is there no time to sit on the porch and just enjoy God's nature? Oh, yeah... right. Most houses have no porches and the few that do can't be enjoyed for the fear of gangs and hooligans roaming the neighborhood. And, should one get passed those concerns who can enjoy the sound of cars literally flying up and down the highway just a few feet away, the ever present blaring of car horns, sirens screaming through the night, and the neighbors you don't know living on top of you when the ones you used to love lived a quarter of a mile away.

Back then we visited on a regular basis and got around to socializing with everyone. Now we barely speak, if we do at all, to the guy living thirty feet away. Maybe we will invite him to a backyard barbeque once a year to assuage our conscience, but probably not. Instead of helping him repair his house, we bitch about the noise he makes during the process, and resent the fact he needs to borrow a hammer rather than taking the time to prepare him a cold pitcher of lemonade made from scratch to quench the thirst he works up.

The Tennessee Mountain Man recalls that there was a time when the city was a million miles away and no one from the country went there unless they had to. In our modern world the city has moved into the country and the new reality is that the farm is now a million miles or so from the city next door. It is dirty. The people there are dirty - never mind that their conscience is clean. The place has a foul odor that assaults our sensitive metropolitan olfactory glands and we dare not venture there unless it is absolutely unavoidable.

At a time when we said grace before every meal, we ate hearty and were in little, if any, danger of being over weight. Now that we think perhaps Grace is the lady living two houses down the street in the home needing it's lawn trimmed we suffer from a national obesity epidemic though religiously practicing our yo yo diet and binge eating.

Computer Man used to get up before daylight to build a fire, do the morning chores, and cook breakfast before going off to a day of work. But that is so passé. Now we get up just in time to gulp down a cup of instant coffee or coffee set to brew automatically the night before while 'nuking' some instant pre-boxed meal stripped of all nutrition to eat while we over charge our metabolic system in front of the boob tube blasting 'The View' into our living rooms and appropriately raising blood pressures.

Man dare not sleep with his face in an open window any more regardless of whether he lives in the country or in the city. Therefore he can't hear the rain on the roof, the barn owl hooting off in the distance, the cry of a new born calf, the mating call of God's creatures that rule the night, the wind whistling through the old barn, nor the defining silence of the new fallen snow.

We used to sleep a little later on Sunday and get up with every action deliberate and geared toward getting us to God's house on time for the morning worship service. Now we repeat the last six days except we are content with getting our religious instruction watching some televangelist only because 'The View' is not shown on Sunday television. And, why go to church when some greedy self serving prophet comes to us?

Nope! Life just ain't what it used to be. If you think it is, just open the door or pull out the chair for a lady and notice the looks you get if you manage to escape an outright attack. Listen... did you hear that? I thought I actually heard a child say, "please, excuse me, sir".

Publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., the Computer Man, a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet specializing in website design at and specializing in online web based computer repair.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Firefox Just Got Better

The safest most secure app for browsing the internet currently available just got better and has more improvements on the way. Are you ready for the latest Mozilla release? Firefox 3 Beta 4 is available for download, but before you go running off like some half cocked Microsoft groupie notice the "beta" tag.

web based helpdesk remote helpdesk

Hello!! The internet is a dangerous place. The Remote Helpdesk 1 Team continues to be amused (we can no longer say amazed) at people who would not dare to venture into certain parts of a city but who seemingly rush into the internet's dark corners and dimly lighted streets ill prepared.

Before you sail into a storm baton down the hatches, and before you cruise into hacker, virus, trojan, and criminally infested areas of the world wide web at least darken the windows and arm yourself. Not to take appropriate precautions will assure your computer a visit to the infectious disease controls center if not the hard drive morgue.

Firefox developers have thus far proven themselves to the best at incorporating necessary safety features into their browser while preserving user options and cruise speeds. Online PC Repair folks feel they owe a lot of their success to getting their loyal users involved in the development and testing process. These folks, like The Tennessee Mountain Man, have helped keep the programs on track and the applications minimal. For instance, if a client wants twenty-five cents - give him a quarter like Mozilla tends to do rather that twenty-five pennies as Microsoft is famous for.

It takes a lot less resources to process one coin than it does to count twenty-five. Mozilla recognizing this has given the new "beta" release a lot of new features and improved compatibility while freeing up resources. The end result being a more nimble and faster overall browsing experience. At the same time they have enhanced Firefox's security.

Released to the public via the Mozilla website Monday, 10 March 2008, Firefox 3 Beta 4 is in the beta stage of any software's life cycle. Firefox 3 Beta 4 loudly proclaims that it is "for testing purposes only" therefore it is not for everyone. It you are a newbie or maybe even an intermediate internet user, the suggestion of the Computer Man would be that you use Firefox, the latest most stable full release until Firefox 3 is out of beta.

If you just can't wait for a better browsing experience Mozilla reports "the new release includes more than 900 enhancements from beta 3, including drastic improvements to performance and memory usage, as well as fixes for stability, platform enhancements and user interface".

But that is not the half of it... not by a long shot. "Firefox 3 is based on the Gecko 1.9 Web rendering platform, which has been under development for the past 31 months. Building on the previous release, Gecko 1.9 has more than 12,000 updates including some major re-architecting to provide improved performance, stability, rendering correctness, and code simplification and
sustainability. Firefox 3 has been built on top of this new platform resulting in a more secure, easier to use, more personal product with a lot more under the hood to offer website and Firefox add-on developers improvements.", according to Mozilla.

Enhancements like these reported on the Mozilla website:

"More Secure

* One-click site info: Click the site favicon in the location bar to see who owns the site and to check if your connection is protected from eavesdropping. Identity verification is prominently displayed and easier to understand. When a site uses Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates, the site favicon button will turn green and show the name of the company you're connected to. (Try it here!)
* Malware Protection: malware protection warns users when they arrive at sites which are known to install viruses, spyware, trojans or other malware. (Try it here!)
* New Web Forgery Protection page: the content of pages suspected as web forgeries is no longer shown. (Try it here!)
* New SSL error pages: clearer and stricter error pages are used when Firefox encounters an invalid SSL certificate. (Try it here!)
* Add-ons and Plugin version check: Firefox now automatically checks add-on and plugin versions and will disable older,
insecure versions.
* Secure add-on updates: to improve add-on update security, add-ons that provide updates in an insecure manner will be
* Anti-virus integration: Firefox will inform anti-virus software when downloading executables.
* Vista Parental Controls: Firefox now respects the Vista system-wide parental control setting for disabling file downloads.
* Effective top-level domain (eTLD) service better restricts cookies and other restricted content to a single domain.
* Better protection against cross-site JSON data leaks.

Easier to Use

* Easier password management: an information bar replaces the old password dialog so you can now save passwords after a successful login.
* Simplified add-on installation: the add-ons whitelist has been removed making it possible to install extensions from third-party sites in fewer clicks.
* [Improved in Beta 4!] New Download Manager: the revised download manager makes it much easier to locate downloaded files, and you can see and search on the name of the website where a file came from. Your active downloads and time remaining are always shown in the status bar as your files download.
* Resumable downloading: users can now resume downloads after restarting the browser or resetting your network connection.
* [Improved in Beta 4!] Full page zoom: from the View menu and via keyboard shortcuts, the new zooming feature lets you zoom in and out of entire pages, scaling the layout, text and images, or optionally only the text size. Your settings will be remembered whenever you return to the site.
* Podcasts and Videocasts can be associated with your media playback tools.
* Tab scrolling and quickmenu: tabs are easier to locate with the new tab scrolling and tab quickmenu.
* Save what you were doing: Firefox will prompt users to save tabs on exit.
* Optimized Open in Tabs behavior: opening a folder of bookmarks in tabs now appends the new tabs rather than overwriting.
* Location and Search bar size can now be customized with a simple resizer item.
* Text selection improvements: multiple text selections can be made with Ctrl/Cmd; double-click drag selects in "word-by-word" mode; triple-clicking selects a paragraph.
* Find toolbar: the Find toolbar now opens with the current selection.
* Plugin management: users can disable individual plugins in the Add-on Manager.
* [Improved in Beta 4!] Integration with Vista: Firefox now has Vista-specific icons, and uses native user interface widgets in the browser and in web forms.
* [Improved in Beta 4!] Integration with the Mac: the new Firefox theme makes toolbars, icons, and other user interface elements look like a native OS X application. Firefox also uses OS X widgets and spell-checker in web forms and supports Growl for notifications of completed downloads and available updates. A combined back and forward control make it even easier to move between web pages.
* [Improved in Beta 4!] Integration with Linux: Firefox's default icons, buttons, and menu styles now use the native GTK theme.

More Personal

* Star button: quickly add bookmarks from the location bar with a single click; a second click lets you file and tag them.
* Tags: associate keywords with your bookmarks to sort them by topic.
* [Improved in Beta 4!] Location bar & auto-complete: type in all or part of the title, tag or address of a page to see a list of matches from your history and bookmarks; a new display makes it easier to scan through the matching results and find that page you're looking for. Results are returned according to their frecency (a combination of frequency and recency of visits to that page) ensuring that you're seeing the most relevant matches. An adaptive learning algorithm further tunes the results to your patterns!
* Smart Bookmarks Folder: quickly access your recently bookmarked and tagged pages, as well as your more frequently visited pages with the new smart bookmarks folder on your bookmark toolbar.
* Places Organizer: view, organize and search through all of your bookmarks, tags, and browsing history with multiple views and smart folders to store your frequent searches.
* Web-based protocol handlers: web applications, such as your favorite webmail provider, can now be used instead of desktop applications for handling mailto: links from other sites. Similar support is available for other protocols (Web applications will have to first enable this by registering as handlers with Firefox).
* Download & Install Add-ons: the Add-ons Manager (Tools > Add-ons) can now be used to download and install a Firefox customization from the thousands of Add-ons available from our community add-ons website. When you first open the Add-ons Manager, a list of recommended Add-ons is shown.
* Easy to use Download Actions: a new Applications preferences pane provides a better UI for configuring handlers for various file types and protocol schemes.

Improved Platform for Developers

* New graphics and font handling: new graphics and text rendering architectures in Gecko 1.9 provides rendering improvements in CSS, SVG as well as improved display of fonts with ligatures and complex scripts.
* Color management: (set gfx.color_management.enabled on in about:config and restart the browser to enable.) Firefox can now adjust images with embedded color profiles.
* Offline support: enables web applications to provide offline functionality (website authors must add support for offline
browsing to their site for this feature to be available to users).
* A more complete overview of Firefox 3 for developers is available for website and add-on developers.

Improved Performance

* [Improved in Beta 4!] Speed: improvements to our JavaScript engine as well as profile guided optimizations have resulted in significant improvements in performance. Compared to Firefox 2, web applications like Google Mail and Zoho Office run twice as fast in Firefox 3 Beta 4, and the popular SunSpider test from Apple shows improvements over previous releases.
* [Improved in Beta 4!] Memory usage: Several new technologies work together to reduce the amount of memory used by Firefox 3 Beta 4 over a web browsing session. Memory cycles are broken and collected by an automated cycle collector, a new memory allocator reduces fragmentation, hundreds of leaks have been fixed, and caching strategies have been tuned.
* Reliability: A user's bookmarks, history, cookies, and preferences are now stored in a transactionally secure database format which will prevent data loss even if their system crashes."

Mozilla provides Firefox 3 Beta 4 for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X in forty different languages, and reports it can be removed without losing your bookmarks, web browsing history, extensions and other add-ons. Best of all - it is FREE ! Just download, install, and enjoy a whole new faster browsing experience if your computer meets one of the following system requirements.

Operating Systems

* Windows 2000
* Windows XP
* Windows Server 2003
* Windows Vista

Minimum Hardware

* Pentium 233 MHz (Recommended: Pentium 500MHz or greater)
* 64 MB RAM (Recommended: 128 MB RAM or greater)
* 52 MB hard drive space

Operating Systems

* Mac OS X 10.4 and later

Minimum Hardware

* Macintosh computer with an Intel x86 or PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor
* 128 MB RAM (Recommended: 256 MB RAM or greater)
* 200 MB hard drive space

Software Requirements
Please note that Linux distributors may provide packages for your distribution which have different requirements.

* Linux kernel - 2.2.14 or higher with the following libraries or packages:
o glibc 2.3.2 or higher
o XFree86-3.3.6 or higher
o gtk+2.0 or higher
o fontconfig (also known as xft)
o libstdc++5

Minimum Hardware

* Intel Pentium II or AMD K6-III+ 233 MHz CPU (Recommended: 500MHz or greater)
* 64 MB RAM (Recommended: 128 MB RAM or greater)
* 52 MB hard drive space

And, if you still have not tried Mozilla Thunderbird,

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get ready to kick Outlook Express to the curb!

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Free Movies... On Your Desktop... Legally... Really!!

Your Website Design Team has been enjoying a new web launch as we worked late this week, and we wanted to share. Netflix and Blockbuster are going to have to get up to speed with a newly launched NBC and Fox joint venture website or loose their proverbial kyster in the opinion of Remote Helpdesk 1 who hosts "My Name Is Bill W". The true life story of the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

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NBC and Fox have teamed up to offer great movies Free, TV shows Free, and clips Free right on your desk top... no trips to the store... no waiting on snail mail. Movies on demand... on your time... at the place of your choosing... on your desktop... LEGAL and (did Computer Man mention?) FREE... an idea whose time has come.

The new video on demand website launched Wednesday, 12 March 2008 and is supported through advertising. Sound familiar? O.K. So it is somewhat like TV. Who cares? It is still a real entertainment alternative - a real entertainment value, and the Tennessee Mountain Man predicts it will be a big hit.

Like Tivo, you can fast forward, pause, etc. The only draw back is that if you are fast forwarding to skip an advertisement it won't exactly work. You will land on an ad you must allow to play to continue watching the movie.

Initial Line Up Looks Like This:

Full Length Movies Alphabetically


* The 40-Year-Old Virgin


* Alien 3
* Alien Resurrection
* Alien vs. Predator
* Aliens
* All Dogs Go to Heaven
* All Dogs Go to Heaven 2
* Attack of the Puppet People


* Beer
* The Big Lebowski
* Big Trouble in Little China
* The Birds
* Blue Denim
* Blue Juice
* Blue Steel
* Boat Trip
* The Break-Up
* Bring It On
* Broadcast News
* Brokedown Palace
* Broken Lizard's Club Dread
* Bulworth


* Cheaper by the Dozen
* Cheech & Chong's The Corsican Brothers
* Cheech and Chong's Next Movie
* Clay Pigeons
* Cleopatra
* Code of Silence
* The Comedy of Terrors
* The Curse of Inferno


* Date Movie
* The Day the Earth Stood Still
* Daylight
* The Devil Wears Prada
* Die Hard With a Vengeance
* Dirty Work
* Do the Right Thing
* Dodgeball
* Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine
* Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs
* Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
* Dude, Where's My Car?


* Enter the Ninja


* Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
* Field of Dreams
* Fierce Creatures
* Fierce People
* Flight of the Phoenix
* The Fly
* Free Money
* The Full Monty


* Garden State
* The Girl Next Door
* Going Overboard
* Gridlock'd


* Hercules in New York
* Home Alone


* I Heart Huckabees
* Ice Age
* Ice Age: The Meltdown
* The Immortalizer
* In Dangerous Company
* In the Mix
* Inspector Clouseau
* Into The Night


* The Jerk
* Joe Kidd
* Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie
* Juno
* Just Between Friends


* K-Pax
* Kagemusha
* Keep Your Eyes Open
* Killing Zoe


* A Life Less Ordinary
* Little Miss Sunshine
* Live Free or Die Hard


* Man on the Moon
* Masquerade
* Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
* Me, Myself & Irene
* Miracle on 34th Street
* Moonstruck
* Movieola Shorts: Animation
* Movieola Shorts: Comedy
* Movieola Shorts: Drama
* Mulholland Drive


* Napoleon Dynamite
* National Lampoon's Movie Madness


* October Sky
* Office Space


* Parents
* Penitentiary
* Permanent Midnight
* Planet of the Apes
* Psycho
* Psycho ('98)


* Quest for Fire
* Quills


* Raising Arizona
* Red Dragon
* Reno 911!: Miami
* Requiem for a Dream
* Robin Hood: Men in Tights
* Robots


* The Seven Year Itch
* The Shape of Things
* Sideways
* The Simpsons Movie
* The Skulls
* The Slums Of Beverly Hills
* Smokin' Aces
* The Sound Of Music
* Speed
* Star Maps
* State Property
* Super Troopers


* Thank You for Smoking
* That Thing You Do!
* There's Something About Mary
* Three Amigos!
* Titan A.E.


* Undiscovered
* The Usual Suspects


* Very Bad Things
* Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea


* Waitress
* Walk the Line
* Weekend at Bernie's
* Working Girl


* The X-Files
* X-Men: The Last Stand
* X2: X-Men

Plus TV Hundreds of TV Shows From Jerry Springer to Top Chef, and much, much more - something for every taste.

It is called Hulu and it is located appropriately enough at hulu dot com

So, what are you waiting for? Grab the popcorn and meet the Computerman's Website Design team there!

Computerman publication, remote computer repair publication, remote pc repair publication, online pc repair publication, online computer repair publication, web based pc repair publication, web based computer repair publication, website design publication, web design publication, Computer Man publication, remote helpdesk publication, remote help desk publication, online helpdesk publication, web based helpdesk publication, online help desk publication, web based help desk publication, Burk Pendergrass publication, Burke Pendergrass publication, Tennessee Mountain Man publication, Tennessee Mountainman publication, Mountain Man publication, Mountainman publication

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Question Is, Margaret, How Deep Is The Recession

President George Bush is right, the country is "not headed for a recession". It has arrived - Remote Helpdesk 1 knows we are there. Besides politics, recession is the major concern of the common man as the summer vacation season hurdles towards the masses. Winter will soon be a memory and family thoughts will turn to spring break and anticipation of summer vacations. The truth is less Americans than ever before will not be able to take a vacation this year. The number of people finding themselves stranded at home during vacation times and holidays have been trending upward for years now.

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The economy has slowed according to the White House and has replaced the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the genocide in Darfur as the average American's priority. Republican nominee John Mc Cain promises to address the issue as house prices fall, fuel and food prices increase, home foreclosures soar, the dollar is in free fall, America loses 63,000 jobs in February alone - the most in the last five years and the government now admits January 2008 numbers were also negative, and we find ourselves at an all time high in auto repossessions. The Tennessee Mountain Man wonders why politicians are always promising to fix something while running for office that they already had twenty-five years to correct.

Having been a student of business sciences in college, a life time of two ago, the Computer Man recognizes that there must be official definitions of such phenomenon as a recession and a depression, however political correctness be damned. When your rent and utilities are past due and you, your children, or your aging parents are hungry and you can do little about it, you are in a depression. The dirty little secret no one wants to address is, when some are in a recession, many are of necessity in a depression.

For way too long our elderly have had to choose between medicine and food, and of having to pay a portion of their utilities one month and paying their rent the next while children must eat two meals a day at school or go hungry.

Although it is disheartening to watch the wealthy republican establishment decry the less financially secure people of the world who make their life style possible, it was a positive sign when the newly minted world's wealthiest man, Billionaire Warren Buffett, recently said "the U.S. economy is essentially in a recession even if it hasn't met the technical definition of one yet". Perhaps he knows because Kirby vacuum cleaners are harder to move these days and those who want one can't qualify for the financing, and those, like the Tennessee Mountain Man, who use his gecko insurance can barely keep it from lapsing.

Most folk of Buffett's stature, those simply suffering from the little man syndrome, and the wanna be lose touch with the average American. Even George W. Bush, the President of the United States, who has a cabinet and an army of advisors who are supposed to be in touch with the people and keep him informed recently declared, "I’m ‘focused’ on gas prices but unaware of four dollar a gallon gas".

During a recent press conference, a reporter asked President Bush what his “advice” would be to the “average American” who is “facing the prospect of four dollar a gallon gasoline.” Bush replied, “That’s interesting, I hadn’t heard that.” After all he travels in a 20 car motorcade fueled by the Secret Service on our dime, and when his truck needs fuel on the ranch they surely don't let him run down to the local convenience store, refuel, grab a bucket of chicken, and a cold drink.

Thursday, March the 6th, 2008, fuel hit well over a hundred dollars a barrel and hit a new all time high of $109.00 a barrel Tuesday, March 11th on it's way to two hundred dollars while the value of American Currency continues to fall around the world.

When we began to get bombarded with SPAM like this, "Lowest priced homes: foreclosure deals are everywhere!! Beautiful 3-4-5 bedroom homes in all areas - starting at $25,000 - sometimes with nothing down!", hard working Americans - the middle class - are in serious trouble irrespective of what some condescending snob wishes to call it.

When your lender shows up for his collateral and leaves you with the parting shot, "we'll see what it brings at auction and then we'll go from there" you know what he means. The collateral will be sold quickly and cheaply and then he will be back not with groceries to help you feed your children nor with money to help you pay your doctor bills and buy medicine but to seize any and everything else you possess.

A real kick in the teeth while you are down. Just what you need at the moment. A recession by any definition remains untoward struggle and pain. Ask the suffering - the lower and middle classes in America. Where does it end? when you lose your job? when you are in bankruptcy? when you are homeless?

Yes, Margaret, technicalities notwithstanding, the United States is in a recession. The fed can cut interest rates until the bank pays us to borrow money and the world bank can pump all the cash it wants to into the system, but in reality it is not going to get better for the majority of us any time soon. Technicalities don't get hungry... technicalities don't become delinquent...technicalities don't worry about sky rocketing medical bills... technicalities don't have to worry about obscene burial costs... technicalities don't get sick... technicalities don't lose jobs or take cuts in pay... technicalities don't hurt... technicalities don't get depressed... technicalities don't commit suicide... technicalities don't cry... technicalities don't lash out in frustration - but, people made in God's image do.

When you lie down tonight - wherever you lie down tonight - please try to remember that there really is someone who is hurting more than you, and say a little prayer for that Child of God.

Computerman publication, remote computer repair publication, remote pc repair publication, online pc repair publication, online computer repair publication, web based pc repair publication, web based computer repair publication, website design publication, web design publication, Computer Man publication, remote helpdesk publication, remote help desk publication, online helpdesk publication, web based helpdesk publication, online help desk publication, web based help desk publication, Burk Pendergrass publication, Burke Pendergrass publication, Tennessee Mountain Man publication, Tennessee Mountainman publication, Mountain Man publication, Mountainman publication

Monday, March 10, 2008

Because She is a Monster!!

Meet the Clintons alone in an ally on a dark night and it is believed the chance of you coming out without getting rapped by one and cut up by the other is not very good. It certainly would not attract Las Vegas style odds, and in 2008 they seem determined and poised to snatch defeat from the jaws of success for the democrats.

There is a reason white men, married men, and men of a certain age prefer Obama three to one. All one has to do is take a look at Hillary. Like one alcoholic or addict knows another, one look at Hillary and, even if you knew nothing else about her, you get the picture - you know, and the smart run for the hills while some destructive types have to hang around for the party.

If this is what you want...

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This is Not It

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The electorate like the online helpdesk team fell in love with Obama in part because of his positive message... because he was above everything the Clintons not only stood for but practiced over the years. We must ask ourselves who better reflects the politics, ethics, and work style of the 55th Speaker of The U. S. House of Representatives, Thomas (Tip) O'Neill? That person is our candidate! And, that candidate is not a good ole boy - or girl - from Arkansas or New York or Pennsylvania, or wherever they are from this week.

Many Americans feel Hillary is a monster. We know she and Bill don't play by the rules. Just consider their history as well as their current push regarding the changing of the rules for Michigan and Florida to favor them at all costs. It is all about Bill and Hill despite her claims that it is all about you... that her desire to be President is for you. They are willing to throw anyone and everyone under the bus for personal benefit.

Obama, in the Tennessee Mountain Man's opinion, should have stood his ground. Don't throw anyone overboard to appease perjurers. We are in the corner with Harvard professor and former (unfortunately) Obama advisor Dr Samantha Power. Tell the Clintons to get over it and move on after all they see no issues with their surrogate referring to Obama as Ken Starr.

Americans must decide whether they want a fresh new start in everything politics, and whether we want someone indebted to no one but the people for their coveted position. The only alternative is gutter politics as usual with professional politicians holding positions doled out by party bosses, paid for with dollars by high powered lobbyists, and bought with the blood of the people who keep going to prison around the Clintons while they skate.

Remote Helpdesk 1 believes there is a reason Hillary is so divisive. She was the "b" behind, protecting, and enabling Bill and she is the secretative "w" in her own political and public life willing to unleash her husband as well as her feminine charms as required to bully or seduce. How many more people shall be sacrificed to team Clinton before we make up our collective mind that we deserve better and that we can have better, and then have the intestinal fortitude to stand our ground.

The only way to rid ourselves of the scandals of the Clintons from the past and those sure to follow any success they have is to banish them to the trash heap from which they evolved as we did the Enron Team. And, the only way to do that is to get past the manipulation both Clintons employ against the American people.

If This Is Whom You Desire

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This Will Not Do

online computer repair - billary

We don't have to fear them says a web based helpdesk company... they are not virtual viruses. They are not to be pitied... they are not the victims of vast right wing conspiracies. We all know they are not to be trusted... they are closer to used car salesmen and their repo teams than anything. They are not Jack and Jackie and they are not the Beatles... they are not Sonny and Cher. They are not even Ike and Tina Turner (boy I hate using Tina's name in the same sentence as the Clintons).

Why would any sane nation return to the White House one who was impeached the last time he held the office? Why return to the Presidency one who lost his license to practice law the last time he was in that position for lying to a federal body? oh. oh. oh. Make no mistake - Big Willy will run the show should the weeping offended feminine willow win.

Although he tried to rehabilitate his image during the Bush years, we know what kind of man Bill is. If only Vince Foster were here to tell Hillary's story in his own words we might be able to determine what an evil person she really is. Do we really want these two at the helm of the most powerful nation on God's earth?

Computerman publication, remote computer repair publication, remote pc repair publication, online pc repair publication, online computer repair publication, web based pc repair publication, web based computer repair publication, website design publication, web design publication, Computer Man publication, remote helpdesk publication, remote help desk publication, online helpdesk publication, web based helpdesk publication, online help desk publication, web based help desk publication, Burk Pendergrass publication, Burke Pendergrass publication, Tennessee Mountain Man publication, Tennessee Mountainman publication, Mountain Man publication, Mountainman publication

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rosalie Myrtle - Running Bear Love Little White Dove

On a warm late summer day in September (the 18th), 1921, she was born Myrtle Mary Washington Wood to Bailus Earl Wood and Pearl Wooten Wood. Catholic? Hardly. Her parents were Hard-shell Baptists of Dutch decent lost in the back woods of the Appalachian Chain.

In the time honored tradition of the mountain people of their era - their word was their bond. They labored in the fields under an alternately scorching sun and a bone chilling cold from sun rise to sun set six (6) days a week. The seventh day (actually the first by the calendar) was spent in the House of The Lord.

Leaving the fields on work days with just enough day light remaining to get the teams of mules rubbed down, fed, watered, and stabled for the night. Then there were eggs to gather, hogs to feed, cows to milk, and water to draw from the well before dinner - after which relaxation was found in sitting on the front porch and listening to the unique sounds of the night as the nocturnal life of the mountains scurried about in song and mating call.

There were no cars to zoom up and down a noisy highway... no chain saws interrupting the call of the whip-o-rill during the day... no pumped in sound displacing the symphony of crickets, katydids or frogs in the evening... no magic boxes with snowy black and white moving pictures competing with the big dipper and or the beauty of the fire fly against the black of the night sky... no street lights to disturb one's sleep when the body needed to be manufacturing and releasing melatonin.

Rosalie Myrtle was but one of eight siblings - three boys and five girls at a time when the larger the family the better it fared. Why? There were simply more bodies to accomplish more work.

Mechanism had not yet over taken the American Farm and the living, if good, was hard and if filled with love and trust, they were earned. Time had to be made to cut one's own heating and cooking wood. Henry David Thoreau had, after all, rightly observed that by cutting his own wood, a man was warmed by it twice. While the first warming experience may have been anything but comforting, the second time around - setting in front of the fire place - perhaps popping corn - sure was appreciated.

A young girl's mind races in the winter night when she should be sleeping, but darkness comes so early this time of year and the flicker of the dying flames in the fire place is pure magic. The flames create a wee bit of light that dances across the floor, hops around the walls, and runs about the ceiling. They cast shadows of one thing creating the appearance of another entirely different. It only exists in the ever active mind of the young and the innocent.

Christmas is on the horizon! What will Santa bring? She hopes for a stick or maybe even two of hoar hound candy, and maybe... an apple or an orange... and a banana sure would be nice. And, maybe Santa could even a leave few pecans or walnuts this year.

Though apples, pears, peaches, plums, persimmons, grapes, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, huckleberries, water melons, walnuts, pecans, and mush melons are abundant in the summer and early fall, there is not much fruit around here in the winter she muses.

And snow! Yes, it will be Christmas, and we should have snow. Snow really lights up the night! It saves kerosene, too, she thinks as if trying to convince God while watching the last flickers of the fire and is sure it casts a shadow of Rudolph flying across the north wall.

But Rosalie Myrtle can't remain a little girl in flour sack dresses forever. Soon enough she is a beautiful and vivacious young lady in love with a good looking well tanned young Cherokee Indian - a farm boy across the mountain who had been encountered a time or two while on errands for her father.

The Wood's had no problem with the Indian boy who turned out to be better to them than their own children, but his family had picked out a young Cherokee Maiden to be his wife. Against the wishes of his family, Rosalie Myrtle married the young Indian just before he went off to World War II drafted as a white man. It was really easy to pass in those days and he wanted to give their children every advantage a Tennessee Mountain Man could in the world of the forked tongue so he never corrected the record.

She was the only one of the Woods girls to stay married to the same man until he died of coronary artery disease while in the prime of his life young life just like his father had before him. Her brothers enjoyed a more stable family life than did their other sisters.

Rosalie Myrtle, having lived most of her adult life at Rosalie, Alabama, who served honorably as the matron of two different families, went to meet her Lord and be reunited with her young Indian lover on December 12th, 2000 at the age of 79. That was appropriate as her beloved Cherokee had gone to his happy hunting grounds at Christmas some thirty-three years earlier.

That millennium Christmas must have been some celebration around the old tepee! Two young lovers wrapped in each others embrace with no shortage of flickering flames... no sickness and no shortage of candy, fruit or nuts... And, I would even bet that on Christmas Day the old Cherokee who went to war to defend his nation as a white man had his dearly loved Fleetwood Coffee with
chickory and one of her home baked white coconut cakes - his favorite.

When I remember them together, I think of the old Mercury Record Label song, Running Bear.

Publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet Computerman publication, remote computer repair publication, remote pc repair publication, online pc repair publication, online computer repair publication, web based pc repair publication, web based computer repair publication, website design publication, web design publication, Computer Man publication, remote helpdesk publication, remote help desk publication, online helpdesk publication, web based helpdesk publication, online help desk publication, web based help desk publication, Burk Pendergrass publication, Burke Pendergrass publication, Tennessee Mountain Man publication, Tennessee Mountainman publication, Mountain Man publication, Mountainman publication

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Good Guys Finish Last

On the heels of Super Tuesday Two, it may not be immediately clear whether the democratic presidential nominee will be Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, but talk show host and conservative author Ann Coulter has it right. Ralph Nader notwithstanding and irrespective of how one feels about Coulter, in the collective eyes of remote helpdesk 1, the 44th President of the United States, whether one likes it or not - all things being equal, will will be a democrat.

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As networks began to call Super Tuesday II in the wee hour as of Wednesday Morning, Obama lead in the pledged delegate count, but the Clinton's have made it clear that they will win at any cost to include stealing the nomination with the help of the super delegates.

Good guys, it appears, truly do finish last. Mike Huckabee compared to the two old angry white men might agree.

The sole reason for the lack of a nominee in the democratic primaries to date is republican interference. Hillary did not win on Super Tuesday II. The primary was thrown to her by the republican party. Ann Coulter opposing Senator John Mc Cain, apparently at any cost, as the republican nominee is urging republicans to vote for Hillary as she (Coulter) sees Clinton as preferable to Obama. Right wing radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, on the other hand, in an effort to keep the chaos going urges his followers to vote for Hillary because he believes her easier to defeat in the November general election than Obama. If this were a baseball team involving America's pass time there would be harsh consequences - ask Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire or anyone mentioned in the
Mitchell Report. Still the Clintons remain Teflon coated.

Right wing conservatives, in the middle of it all, appear willing to cut off their collective nose to spite their face. Ronald Reagan is dead and he cannot be re-elected. So, in the after math of the demise of the father of conservatism, William F. Buckley, many self described conservatives will refuse to vote in the general election. Others will vote for the democratic nominee, and yet others will, as his mother predicted, hold their noses and vote the republican ticket headed by John Mc Cain.

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Whatever one's political persuasion, it is clear that more than democrats have fallen in love during the 2008 election year. The question is, if Hillary keeps applying her feminism witchcraft practices, will the hope of Obama continue to float. Many still have not seen the light. While it is not the only factor by far, having daughters of his own, the Tennessee Mountain Man had rather have Michele Obama and her children roaming around the White House than William Jefferson Clinton with his stogie in hand and his arm around his latest uninitiated intern and a knowing smirk on his lips.

Michele Obama asked, how one who could not run her own house could run the White House. Computer Man agrees. It is a legitimate question. If Hillary could not control Bill when he assaulted Dick Morris and had numerous affairs while Governor of Arkansas as Morris articulates and could not control Bill's wild ways in the White House while he was president how is she going to keep a reign on him if she is president? As first lady, Hillary surely had more time to devote to soothing Bill's wandering eyes and various traveling body parts than she would while answering the red phone (which actually no longer exists) at three o'clock in the morning to handle a crises in a far away place in the world.

Like the ever changing internet and web based computer repair, America is in the mood for change. The history of the Bush - Mc Cain wars indicates that no matter who the 44th president of the United States is, there will be change during the next term even should it be that the republican nominee gets elected. Although Mc Cain is trying to pick up the right wing of the political right in the last days he is not and cannot be their cup of tea. We can only hope that change includes hasta la vista to Bush and his Viet Nam Conflict left over cabinet as well as good bye to the Clintons and the nightmare they put the country through inthe 1990s.

The republican party is already looking forward to 2012. The republicans have always expected their hopefuls to fall in line though it has certainly not always worked that way. But, looking forward to 2012 the question today is who will be the presumptive head of that ticket. The current contenders are Former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas of whom Bill Clinton even said publicly "that is a good man" and Former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. Of course, depending on Mc Cain's choice for vice president all bets could be off. The only thing for sure is that the party will learn from this election and will know it will need to be someone with more conservative credentials than John Mc Cain.

But then again, if the Myan Calendar is correct, the world should come to an end before the general election of 2012 which would render all of these considerations mute, and make what we do in the next four years all the more important.

Publication of Burk Pendergrass, J.D., a Cherokee Indian and Viet Nam Vet specializing in website design at and specializing in online web based computer repair.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Who is Alexa and what does she have to do with me?

remote helpdesk

Traffic is the most important thing to any web based entrepreneur. And Alexa pretty much has a monopoly on that data. Ignore her at your own peril.

Alexa reminds the Computer Man Website Design Team of the teaching of Jesus Christ speaking of the rulers and powers of His time as recorded in the Holy Bible, Matthew 23:4, New American Standard Bible, "They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger".

Sure sounds like the few who control internet content to the old Tennessee Mountain Man.

Want to get an Alexa ranking that matters for your website? You should because all other directories, indexes and search engines stop by their website to see who you are and whether or not you are a mover and shaker in your internet niche.

Alexa may well be the world wide web's Dunn and Bradstreet. If you know anything about business, business finances, the Better Business Bureau or the Chamber of Commerce or have had to deal with your broker or banker on business matters you know the importance and the drill. Sounds daunting, doesn't it? Sure it does, and what makes it worse is Alexa's hypocrisy. Like the credit bureaus, Alexa collects, keeps and reports information about you and your website, but it keeps no data on its' own traffic.

The first question asked by your prospective partners, marketers, and promoters is what is your Dunn and Bradstreet... oops sorry, Alexa rating.

Alexa, located the Presidio of San Francisco, CA, was founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat. It offered a toolbar that gave Internet users guidance on where to go next, based on the traffic patterns of its user community. Say what? Yes, this cousin of Big Brother thinks it knows better what you want or need than you do. And, they select who best provides that for you. Based on what? Based on their user traffic.

Who do they think they are, and how do I become a part of this crucial community of the web elite?

They are the people who offer context for each site visited: to whom it was registered, how many pages it had, how many other sites pointed to it, and how frequently it is updated. Engineers at Alexa, in cooperation with the Internet Archive, created the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. The nonprofit organization established to preserve Web sites by taking regular "snapshots". The Wayback Machine provides links to older versions of a webpage. Alexa also supplies the Internet Archive with web crawls.

Amazon dot com acquired Alexa in 1999 for approximately $250 million in Amazon stock.

Alexa entered a partnership with Google in 2002, and with the Open Directory Project about a year later in 2003. Live Search replaced Google as their provider of search results in the summer of 2006. Then in the autumn of that same year they began using their own Search Platform. Then in December they released Alexa Image Search. Built in-house, it is the first major application to be built on their Web Platform. Today, Alexa is primarily a search engine, an Open Directory based web directory, and a general supplier of site information to all suitors.

In late 2005, Alexa opened its extensive search index and web-crawling facilities to third party programs through a comprehensive set of web services and APIs. These could be used, for instance, to construct vertical search engines that could run on Alexa's own servers or elsewhere. Unique to the internet, Alexa's Web Search Platform gives developers access to their raw crawl data reinforcing their comparison with Dunn and Bradstreet. Alexa, like every other web based endeavor feeling the bandwidth pinch changed their API to require comparisons be limited to 3 sites, reduced size embedded graphs be shown using Flash, and mandatory embedded BritePic ads in the early summer of 2007.

So who is Alexa and what does she have to do with me? Alexa is the ultimate remote helpdesk. Accessible only as a self help desk, she is the real gatekeeper. Her stats help determine your Google Page Rank, and Firefox's About This Site are all Alexa metadata. Everyone else also pretty much reports what is in her data base. You know those stats you depend so much on? Irrespective of who supplies them to you... chances are they got them from Alexa.

To join the club browse to Alexa dot com and follow the webmaster instructions. Don't forget the Alexa Tool Bar! It matters! Alexa averages your raw traffic over a three month period to determine your traffic flow and where you rate. Under 100,000 visitors a month over any consecutive three month period and you drop off the radar.

If you don't have the time, do not know how, or are not able to meet Alexa's criteria or internet mover and shaker threshold perhaps a website design and website promotion service like Computerman Website Design, Makeover and Promotion can help. For more information browse to .