Free PC Repair Over The Internet Last Update: 8:00 AM Eastern, Wednesday, 10 Oct 07 Buy American Made Computers Yeah right! This release would probably best be titled "Find American Made Computers". Why? Because you can't. You can't because there are none. Maybe it should be titled "Because There Are None"...because there are none! Have you really checked one of those big box computers lately at Wal Mart, Office Depot, Circuit City or your corner computer shop? "Made in China" is typically stamped all over the box, and even though our dogs were poisoned, our children are playing with toys loaded with leaded paint, the U.S. had to return ships laden with "bad" sea food, and every day brings a new fear or recall we go blindly on our self centered way. God knows America needs to be a service oriented industry and nation. We do not wish to work up a sweat or get dirt under our finger nails when such menial labor can be outsourced off shore so cheaply. Our children are not even allowed to play for fear they might get hurt, get sick or get dirty.
Every child needs a broken bone, the mumps and measles, a big old dirty collie dog like Lassie to play with, and a freshly baked mud pie. We were happier when that was the norm. Both adults and children were generally healthier then, and the electronics, equipment, machines and automobiles we bought and used were American Made - and boy did we take pride in them. Like the earlier computers they were made of metal not plastic, they were not throw away toys, they lasted longer, and above all they contributed to the pride, world standing, and economy of the then Great United States of America. Get the kid out from in front of the helevision and away from X Box - Bill Gates has enough of your money. Send him outside to play. His whole nature will improve. He will be less sluggish, grumpy, and disrespectful - he might even get his pants back up over his butt. Confiscate his imported cell phone and put him in bed by 9:00 PM and watch him start to excel at school - he might even learn to be a giver instead of taking all the time. Demand and buy American when possible and watch the whole world improve. Raise something and purchase something you can and will take pride in. We will all be the better for it! Check this Buy American web page and notice there are no computers or computer parts made in the U.S.:
Check The List of American Made Products at U.S. Stuff and Note that while there is a "Computer" category, it has no (absolutely no) item listed. Check this C/NET Forum started four (4) years ago in 2003 searching for a computer "with mostly American made components". Not another posting after the first inquiry. Why? Because there are none. Go ahead, P L E A S E, search Google or Yahoo or Copernic or anywhere else you choose for American made computers, American made computer parts, etc. There are none...not any more. What happened in Silicon Valley? Where did the huge manufacturing centers that were once numerous across this Great Land (where a man could be assured of a job and work it all his life without fear of losing it) go? Why have we lost the hearts and minds of our own people? The Anglo's took this land away from the American Indian and then gave it to the third world. What can we do? Buy custom built from an American. Sure the initial investment will be a bit more and it will still be built with imported parts, but it will be built better with the best possible parts for the money. You see, Americans don't live cheaply in one room apartments without furniture existing primarily on a diet of rice or share an outside toilet and common cooking areas with other families. But then why should we, we don't even share a love for our mother country or our neighbor. You see, I really am the Tennessee Mountain Man! But, you will not find many of us with the encroachment of our sissified and politically correct society. Why? Because there are none. John, Martin, Abraham, Jack, Ronnie and The Duke are dead, and I don't feel very well. So I really must go now. tmm
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Buy American Made Computers
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I've got a BFG video card that says "made in the usa" on the box. BFG's are a bit expensive, but they're one of the highest quality video cards available. Alot of IBM and Intel products are also made in the US, but then again, alot aren't.
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