Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Marketer's Addiction

Chattanooga, TN

Marketer's Addiction

Have you noticed an up tick in marketing e-mail lately?
Or is it just me? Does that mean more people want the cyber ads?
Are more folks responding to them? That would be one sure fire way to
spur the increase.

I know the Christmas Catalogues and standard Holiday Season
donation requesting letters are beginning to arrive. I must admit I look
forward to them. Like a child I can sit and browse through them for hours.
But, it just seems there are more, many more, business offers arriving by e-mail
this autumn.

"***Earn Full-Time Income - Work 30 minutes per day
Ever seen that ad? I got it last night for the umteenth
thousand time. I bet Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Steve Forbes, and
Warren Buffett wish they had these secrets.

Perhaps it just marketers addiction. It seems I
recall from my time as a chaplain in an alcohol and drug rehab facility that
it all begins with or ends in insanity. Not being crazy. Crazy
is usually treatable with a little pill like the one I take. But
insanity, they tell me, is doing the same thing over and over while
expecting a different outcome. That is what alcoholics and drug
addicts do.

That is also what would be internet marketers do. How do
I know? Been there...done that. It has, in fact, become its' victims
drug of choice. It costs them untold time and money and eventually their
sanity as they being hooked chase that dream with the help of the pusher of
bogus business opportunities.

Hundreds and thousands of e-mails arrive day after day

from safe list, after safe list, after safe list extolling the virtues of
some snake oil equivalent.

Many of the well meaning hard working people receiving spend
hours up on hours sifting through these offers . They are searching for
the American Dream which according to the personal testimonies included with the
solicitation has been found right here by thousands of others.

99 percent of buyers of money making products and programs,
never make one single cent in profit....and most of them never
will. They start off broke, continue to be broke and finish up in the

Come on folks. Don't be so anxious to reach for your
checkbook, plastic or wallet. This is not a pizza at Little Czars.
Don't try to beat the modern day killers of dreams to the draw. You will
be the loser. No big hurry. If it is half as promising as the hype, it
will be there tomorrow.

Remember, like an addict hooked on any thing else, your heart
is in the right place. You would give a friend or stranger the shirt off
your back if he needed. But you are insane. You are addicted and
this pusher is out to seperate you from your money taking advantage of you and
your desire to get ahead in life.

If you are not getting something of value for that hard earned
dollar like computer repair over the internet or utilities or applications you
can and will use it is best to pass.

The only one making money on that offer is the one offering
it. Go to the ball game and buy a hot dog instead. You won't hate yourself
in the morning.


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